An Inventory
An Inventory is a text painting created from the remnants from a constellation of lived performances.
This project is both a notation of a series of performative discoveries, and a score to follow for reperformance. The work is a lyrical journey through the medical autobiography of my body.
The following instructions accompany the installation of the work
" The Artist invites 3 audience members to activate the work.
The three performers stand in front of one panel each.
They respond to the work by reading out loud. They may move if they so desire.
The performers are not restricted to responding to the panel they place themselves in front of.
The three must perform simultaneously, they may interact with each other.
The activation ends after each of the 3 performers has finished responding.
In case less than 3 performers volunteer the performance cannot occur.
If more than 3 volunteer, multiple rounds of activation are welcome, but each activation must include 3 performers."
A version of the work has published for the Present Tense Pamphlets, in conjunction with the exhibition, “A Feast of Astonishments: Charlotte Moorman and the Avant-Garde, 1960s – 1980s,” organized by the Mary & Leigh Block Museum of Art at Northwestern University, in partnership with the Northwestern University Libraries (January 16-July 16, 2017).